
  1. LightSquared and GPS: Our Story So Far, Thursday, April 21, 2011, GPS World Magazine

  2. GNSS Jamming and Interference: Causes, Consequences, Solutions, 22 August 2012, Inside GNSS Magazine http://www.insidegnss.com/node/2914

  3. GPS Interference & Spoofing: Origins, Effects and Mitigations for the Military and Civil Communities, Part I: The Effects of Jamming on GPS/GNSS Signal, 6 February 2013, Microwave Journal http://www.microwavejournal.com/events/993

  4. GPS Interference & Spoofing: Origins, Effects and Mitigations for the Military and Civil Communities, Part II: Jamming & Spoofing Mitigations for Military and Civil GPS/GNSS , 6 March 2013, Microwave Journal http://www.microwavejournal.com/events/1015

  5. GPS Interference & Spoofing: Origins, Effects and Mitigations for the Military and Civil Communities, Part III: Future Directions in GPS Location Assurance: Receiver Certification, Antispoofing and Proof of Location, 10 April 2013, Microwave Journal http://www.microwavejournal.com/events/1031

  6. GNSS-Denied Environments, Living in a Vulnerable World, 2 May 2013, InsideGNSS Magazine http://www.insidegnss.com/node/3517

  7. GPS Interference: Origins, Effects & Mitigations, 15 January 2015, AOC Virtual Series http://www.crows.org/events/aoc-virtual-series-archive.html

  8. Approaches for Resilient Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT), 15 October 2015, AOC Virtual Series https://aoc.adobeconnect.com/approachesforresilientpnt-10-15-15recording/event/event_info.html

  9. Securing Position and Time in Virtual Space; Not Just a Receiver Problem, 22 September 2016, GPSWorld Webinar on GPS/GNSS and Cybersecurity, https://www.sub-forms.com/dragon/init.do?site=NCM192_GPSWebinar09222016

  10. The Role of Civil Signal Authentication in Trustable Systems 3 October 2019, GPSWorld Webinar on GNSS hacking, from satellite signals to hardware/software cybersecurity, gpsworld.com

  11. Nobody’s Fool - Jamming and Spoofing Detection, 23 June 2021, InsideGNSS